
news/2025/2/26 10:11:50





先从llm, err := openai.New(url, model, token)开始


const (
	tokenEnvVarName        = "OPENAI_API_KEY"      //nolint:gosec
	modelEnvVarName        = "OPENAI_MODEL"        //nolint:gosec
	baseURLEnvVarName      = "OPENAI_BASE_URL"     //nolint:gosec
	baseAPIBaseEnvVarName  = "OPENAI_API_BASE"     //nolint:gosec
	organizationEnvVarName = "OPENAI_ORGANIZATION" //nolint:gosec

type APIType openaiclient.APIType

const (
	APITypeOpenAI  APIType = APIType(openaiclient.APITypeOpenAI)
	APITypeAzure           = APIType(openaiclient.APITypeAzure)
	APITypeAzureAD         = APIType(openaiclient.APITypeAzureAD)

const (
	DefaultAPIVersion = "2023-05-15"

type options struct {
	token        string
	model        string
	baseURL      string
	organization string
	apiType      APIType
	httpClient   openaiclient.Doer

	responseFormat *ResponseFormat

	// required when APIType is APITypeAzure or APITypeAzureAD
	apiVersion     string
	embeddingModel string

	callbackHandler callbacks.Handler

// Option is a functional option for the OpenAI client.
type Option func(*options)

// ResponseFormat is the response format for the OpenAI client.
type ResponseFormat = openaiclient.ResponseFormat

// ResponseFormatJSON is the JSON response format.
var ResponseFormatJSON = &ResponseFormat{Type: "json_object"} //nolint:gochecknoglobals

// WithToken passes the OpenAI API token to the client. If not set, the token
// is read from the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.
func WithToken(token string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.token = token

// WithModel passes the OpenAI model to the client. If not set, the model
// is read from the OPENAI_MODEL environment variable.
// Required when ApiType is Azure.
func WithModel(model string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.model = model

// WithEmbeddingModel passes the OpenAI model to the client. Required when ApiType is Azure.
func WithEmbeddingModel(embeddingModel string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.embeddingModel = embeddingModel

// WithBaseURL passes the OpenAI base url to the client. If not set, the base url
// is read from the OPENAI_BASE_URL environment variable. If still not set in ENV
// VAR OPENAI_BASE_URL, then the default value is is used.
func WithBaseURL(baseURL string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.baseURL = baseURL

// WithOrganization passes the OpenAI organization to the client. If not set, the
// organization is read from the OPENAI_ORGANIZATION.
func WithOrganization(organization string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.organization = organization

// WithAPIType passes the api type to the client. If not set, the default value
// is APITypeOpenAI.
func WithAPIType(apiType APIType) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.apiType = apiType

// WithAPIVersion passes the api version to the client. If not set, the default value
// is DefaultAPIVersion.
func WithAPIVersion(apiVersion string) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.apiVersion = apiVersion

// WithHTTPClient allows setting a custom HTTP client. If not set, the default value
// is http.DefaultClient.
func WithHTTPClient(client openaiclient.Doer) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.httpClient = client

// WithCallback allows setting a custom Callback Handler.
func WithCallback(callbackHandler callbacks.Handler) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.callbackHandler = callbackHandler

// WithResponseFormat allows setting a custom response format.
func WithResponseFormat(responseFormat *ResponseFormat) Option {
	return func(opts *options) {
		opts.responseFormat = responseFormat
// 我这里使用的是腾讯的API
url := openai.WithBaseURL("")
	model := openai.WithModel("deepseek-v3")
	token := openai.WithToken("API-KEY")
	// We can construct an LLMChain from a PromptTemplate and an LLM.
	llm, err := openai.New(url, model, token)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ctx := context.Background()
	completion, err := llm.Call(ctx, "The first man to walk on the moon",

	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil



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